The Higher Education Commission (HEC)


4-year Bachelor Degree Equivalent to Master Degree in Respective Discipline:
The Higher Education Commission (HEC) clears up that the 4-year Bachelor degree is equal to Master qualification in their respective disciplines, and all such Bachelor qualification holders are qualified to contend and apply for work as BS-17 or higher studies wherever the necessity is that of Master qualification. It might be included here that the 4-year/8-semester Bachelor program presented in 2003 with passage dimension of 12 years of tutoring is compared with 16 years of education. Examples of such degrees are BBA (Hons), BS (CS), BS(IT), BCS (Hons), BCom (Hons) and so on. It might be additionally cleared up here that the old system, still being practiced in the college affiliated colleges, provides for 2-year Bachelor followed by 2-year Master degree (two-year BA/BSc + two-year MA/MSc) making it a sum of 16 years of education.

0 thoughts on “The Higher Education Commission (HEC)

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