SBP Slaps Fines of Almost Rs. 750 Million on Eight Major Banks

Title: State Bank of Pakistan Fines Eight Banks and Exchange Company Rs. 747.57 Million for Regulatory Violations.

Description: The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has imposed fines totaling Rs. 747.57 million on eight banks and an exchange company for violating regulatory instructions. Discover which banks were fined and the nature of the violations.

Keywords: State Bank of Pakistan, SBP fines, regulatory violations, banking sector, Bank Alfalah, Habib Bank, Bank Al Habib, Meezan Bank, Habib Metropolitan Bank, MCB Bank, MCB Islamic Bank, Bank of Khyber, Royal Exchange Company, compliance, KYC, AML, FX operations, General Banking Operations.

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has taken action against regulatory violations in the banking sector, imposing fines totaling Rs. 747.57 million during the quarter ended March 31, 2024. These fines were issued to eight major banks and one exchange company for non-compliance with regulatory instructions.

  1. Bank Alfalah Limited: Fined Rs. 187.652 million for violating FX and General Banking Operations regulations. The bank was advised to enhance internal processes to prevent recurrence.

  2. Habib Bank Limited: Fined Rs. 143.376 million for violations related to AML/CFT, CDD/KYC, FX, and General Banking Operations. SBP advised meticulous compliance with regulatory instructions.

  3. Bank Al Habib Limited: Fined Rs. 117.239 million for non-compliance with CDD/KYC and FX regulations. The bank was instructed to strengthen systems and controls.

  4. Meezan Bank Limited: Fined Rs. 106.2 million for FX regulation violations and urged to improve internal processes.

  5. Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited: Fined Rs. 70.915 million for FX regulation violations and advised to strengthen internal processes.

  6. MCB Bank Limited: Fined Rs. 52.9 million for violations related to FX and General Banking Operations. The bank was advised to enhance internal processes.

  7. MCB Islamic Bank Limited: Fined Rs. 38.544 million for AML/CFT, CDD/KYC, and FX regulation violations. SBP advised meticulous compliance with regulatory instructions.

  8. Bank of Khyber: Fined Rs. 30.741 million for violating CDD/KYC, Asset Quality, and General Banking Operations regulations. The bank was instructed to ensure meticulous compliance with regulatory instructions.

Additionally, Royal Exchange Company faced a fine of Rs. 27.975 million for violations related to CDD/KYC and General Banking Operations.

SBP’s actions emphasize the importance of regulatory compliance and integrity within the banking sector, aiming to ensure transparency and accountability in financial operations.

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has imposed fines totaling nearly Rs. 750 million on eight major banks for various violations. These penalties come as part of SBP’s efforts to enforce regulatory compliance and maintain integrity within the banking sector.

The fines are a significant measure taken by SBP to ensure that banks adhere to regulatory standards and fulfill their responsibilities effectively. This move underscores the importance of accountability and transparency in the banking industry.

SBP’s action reflects its commitment to upholding regulatory standards and safeguarding the interests of depositors and stakeholders. It serves as a reminder to financial institutions of the consequences of non-compliance with regulatory requirements.

The details of the violations and fines imposed on each bank have not been specified in the provided information. However, such measures by SBP are aimed at promoting a sound and stable banking environment in Pakistan.

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